Here are the meet results for Hingham vs Hanover at Head over Heels on 1/22.
Final: Hingham 122.9
Scituate 119.7
1st 8.4 Sophie Spielberger (Hingham)
2nd 8.3 Elizabeth Hennessey (Hingham) and David Durante (Scituate)
3rd 8.1 Isabelle Gay(Hingham)
4th 7.9 Hannah Jorday (SCituate)
Vault total:
Hingham: 32.6
Hanover: 31.7
1st 7.7 Elizabeth Hennessey (Hingham)
2nd 7.6 David Durante (Scituate)
3rd 7.4 Clare Trinchet (Hingham) and Meggie Kelly (Scituate)
4th 6.9 Paula Garcia-Cachero
Bars total:
Hingham: 28.7
Hanover: 28.1
1st 7.7 Meggie Kelly (Scituate)
2nd 7.6 Clare Trinchet (Hingham)
3rd 7.5 Elizabeth Hennessey (Hingham)
4th 7.4 Maya Rideout (Hingham)
Beam total:
Hingham: 29.8
Hanover: 28.5
1st 8.4 Elizabeth Hennessey (Hingham)
2nd 8.3 David Durante (Scituate)
3rd 8.2 Clare Trinchet (Hingham)
4th 8.0 Sophie Spielberger (Hingham) and Meggie Kelly (Scituate)
Floor total:
Hingham: 31.8
Hanover: 31.4
1st 31.9 Elizabeth Hennessey (Hingham)
2nd 31.0 Clare Trinchet (Hingham)
3rd 30.9 Meggie Kelly (Scituate)
4th 31.30
Thank you,
Allison Clarke
Hingham High School Varsity Gymnastics