Friday, February 21, 2025

Final 2025 Patriot League Boys Basketball Stats and Standings

Quincy Yhan Medina 1020220.1
Whitman-HansonDylan Perrault2139418.8
North QuincyKobe Nguyen2238117.3
North QuincyAidan McGrath2034217.1
Plymouth SouthVinny Cafarelli 2033516.8
HanoverRyan Mutschler2235916.3
MarshfieldJake Brilliant1624215.2
DuxburyTrevor Jones2030215.1
HanoverTyler Vincent2232514.8
PembrokeJacob Derochea2028314.2
Whitman-HansonJah Estrela2028414.2
Plymouth NorthTroy Chase1723413.8
Plymouth SouthLogan Volkringer 2026613.3
MarshfieldNoah Feldman1215713.2
North QuincyLucas Short2227512.5
MarshfieldDan Padden1620112.1
PembrokeMichael Marcella2024012
QuincyShawn Perry 1113111.9
DuxburyLochlan Kirk-Elliot2023611.8
DuxburyJoe Baraky2023611.8
Silver LakeLiam Sullivan1922411.8
Scituate Braden Danehey 1922211.7
PembrokeWill Farrell2023311.7
Silver LakeJake Lofstrom2022611.3
Scituate Roman Glowac 1921311.2
HinghamGabe Tesler2224211
Plymouth South Al Marzullo 1717010
Silver LakeOliver Curley201969.8
HinghamJT Reale221999
HanoverCooper Horner201768.8
Plymouth NorthMatt Nardone171328.4
Whitman-HansonJason Paretchan201678.3
Scituate Joey Burke191558.2
KeenanLeague WinsLeague LossesOverall WinsOverall LossesLeague PCT
Whitman Hanson15117293.75%
Silver Lake51191131.25%
Plymouth North31351418.75%
FisherLeague WinsLeague LossesOverall WinsOverall Losses
North Quincy14219387.50%
Plymouth South13316481.25%

Bob Rodgers
Whitman-Hanson Regional High School
Athletic Director
Office (781) 618-7433
Cell (617) 838-0994
Classroom (781) 618-7159
Fax (781) 618-7084

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